Monday, November 26, 2012

My Brand New Look!!

HOLY SHOOTENANNY!! The things you can do when you don't know what you're doing!!! Press a few buttons, check a few boxes, select a few colors, click a few bars...... then curl your toes, cross your fingers, close your eyes, hold your breath and push ENTER!!! 

POW!!! A whole new Blog look, updated and out of this world!! Look how big and beautiful the pictures are now! Plus a search box and counters for tweet thingys, facebook likes, and G whatevers.... WOW, I still don't know how I did that, but I'd better not push any more buttons for fear of screwing it up. APPARENTLY,  and this is not proven yet... but apparently, any reader can post a comment with this new format, not just my blog followers, so come on.... post me a comment, tell me if you like my new look and we'll see if it works :)

Ok, I guess this new site is confusing a few people... I am getting e-mails asking what the secret is for joining this Blog... guess I'm not the only technologically challenged person out there after all! LOL... hover your cursor over the narrow (and I mean narrow) vertical, greyish bar on the far right hand side of the Blog page and a menu will pop out.... hit 'followers' and go from there... hopefully it works!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Suprise! Looks very nice. First i thought i´m on the wrong site or my PC is broken. Very nice the big pictures and as always the interesting informations. Thank you!
